cassette-remixes is an exercise in the vandalism of an invalid medium (tape cassette) by subverting its valid IP (music recording). PROCESS: Tape's audio material manipulated into remix. Remix dubbed over original tape; keeping cover art intact. Sticker on front ;) Redistributed. [not uploaded online] "cassette-remixes" is an artistic exploration of obsolescence, remix culture, and the physical versus digital dichotomy in music consumption. Concept Invalid Medium: The tape cassette is seen as obsolete or outdated due to the prevalence of digital music formats. Valid IP (Music Recording): Despite the medium being outdated, the music recorded on these tapes is still considered valuable intellectual property (IP). Process Manipulating Tape's Audio Material: The original audio content on the cassette tape is altered or remixed in some way. This could involve splicing, adding new sounds, changing the playback speed, or other forms of audio manipulation. Dubbing the Remix Over the Original Tape: The remixed version of the audio is recorded back onto the original cassette, replacing the original recording. This maintains the physical integrity of the tape but changes the audio content. Keeping Cover Art Intact: The original cover art of the cassette tape is preserved. This juxtaposition highlights the contrast between the old and the new, original and remixed content. Sticker on Front: A sticker is added to the front of the cassette. This could be a way to signify the tape has been remixed or vandalized, adding a new layer of identity to the tape. Redistributed: The remixed cassettes are then redistributed. This could involve giving them away, selling them, or trading them, but not uploading the content online. The focus is on the physical medium and its altered state, not digital distribution. Artistic Intent Vandalism of an Invalid Medium: The act of remixing and dubbing over the original tape can be seen as a form of creative vandalism. It's taking something that is considered obsolete and giving it new life through artistic intervention. Subverting Valid IP: By altering the original music recordings, the project questions the concept of intellectual property and the value placed on original works versus remixed or altered versions. Not Uploaded Online Physical Experience: By not uploading the remixed content online, the project emphasizes the importance of the physical medium and the tangible experience of interacting with cassette tapes. This contrasts with the easily shareable and reproducible nature of digital media.