a thorough manual for _The Realityspectrum Although The Realityspectrum and the Medi-Medium Programs can be followed without instruction, it can be helpful to some to know a few things first. The Frequency Validator - are you valid? ... It isn't required, but every part of The Realityspectrum can be enhanced by the Frequency Validator. Upon utilising the touch-interface, one can obtain their 'freq-valid' value - which is a ratio of frequency/time multiplied. From there a clear path through the available programs will become apparent. For Spectral Analysis this feature is used to mark a balance amongst frequencies, known as finding the q-balance. How does the "Frequency Validator" work? By interacting with the touch-interface, users obtain their "freq-valid" value, a ratio of frequency and time. This value suggests the most suitable path within the "Medi-Medium Programs," helping users achieve balance and achieve desired outcomes. Medi-Medium Programs - can they help? /// The programs that fall under the Medi-Medium Program banner include audio and other medium programming. All programs under the Medi-Medium banner use a 3-tiered unhierachical system divided as Spectre Analysis, Stationary & Speech. You can consider these OUT, IN, and IN/OUT respectively. Spectral Analyst relies on the participant's perception of all outside oneself. Considered by some as a way to structure their practice or choose their paths, the analysis can also bring one closer to 'the spectre', which, with Speech, can enable environmental alteration or, in Stationary, make wishes within. Balancefinding will allow a good pathchoose or, if needed, good ground to make a stand/push. Stationary refers to the function of passing inward and resting into oneself. The program will allow for Stationary practices to occur without any physical impedence. One of the goals in this tier is to expand the inner plane. The user can become familiar with various .Build technologies. Speech is a path, though not reliant on speaking or making audible sound, that requires some reach beyond oneself. This is at once a reflectory path, as well as reactionary. This module will connect networks throughout all Medi-Medium Programs. Spectre 'realisation' - is what real? ||| The entity 'spectre' will be referred as meaning a few things. Firstly, the outer world; our environment, scenario, situation, society etc. Also, amongst and around that outer reality is our 'spectral being', made of whatever reality, that exists with us in our environment, but also embedded within the environment. They are our conduit.